You charge into the bathroom, shotgun loaded, hoping that your first zombie will be easy pray.
When you enter the bathroom, you are filled with horror as you notice that the zombie is a little girl.
You stand in disbelief as she comes closer and closer, biting at you. You feel horrible for the girl, but knowing the dangers you decide it is best to take her down
You cock back the shotgun and aim it at the demon child, and click the trigger. BOOM! Splat goes her brains all over your white bathroom tile.
It was fun while it lasted, but there are more important things to be thinking about.
That shotgun blast has aroused all the attention from nearby zombies, and there moans are getting closer and louder. You need to make another important decision.
Will you charge through the broken window and look for shelter, away from the zombies, or will you stay put in your house? (Click One)